Childs Farm Review - Baby Eczema Sufferer Lifesaver!

Recently I'd been in the Mummy struggle of my daughter reacting to everything we put in her bath, it got to the point where she was coming out the bath red and patchy after every bath. I felt let down by products that claimed to be "for eczema prone skin" that my baby who once enjoyed splashing the water all over my bathroom and squirting her bath toys at me, was now crying when bath time arrose. I tried so many products in the end and had spent a hefty sum along side that, I was at my whits end to the point it was no more bubbles and fun and just warm water and that was it, but lets face it a bath isn't really a bath without bubbles is it?
I had heard about Childs farm products before in a Youtube video from a Mummy Blogger but these days you can't really rely on the review of a Youtuber with paid promotions flying left right and centre so I was very sceptical if these products were right for me and my child.
I then noticed them everywhere as though they were following my every move, forever catching my eye as I  fluttered around my local town centre, I thought I had resisted all temptation until my partner had spotted them in our local Asda and came home with a bottle. Now I think about it, it was almost fate, that he would pick the one product I had been seeing and hearing everywhere. 
He'd picked up the Childs Farm bubble bath in organic tangerine scent, which I have to say is very unlike any other orange scented thing I've smelled before, because there is nothing artificial about it, the best way to describe the scent without me sticking a bottle under your nose is the first bit of orange skin you peel off and the smell hits you in the face, so you suddenly start to peel faster and faster because you need to eat it right now.
Yeah It's that good!  
It makes a decent amount of bubbles, enough for me to transform my daughter into a bearded girl complete with bubble hair any way! There's something soft feeling about it too, when gliding your fingers through the water It's almost gentle feeling or as though It's adding a silky layer on your skin.
My whole bathroom is filled with the uplifting tangerine scent, It sometime even creeps down my stairs too!
The packaging is very child friendly with lovely illustrations that look as though they fell straight out of a nursery rhyme book.
All the ingredients are organic and natural with no nasties to harm the skin. I could rave on and on about this product as I have told everyone about it and I'm sure I've told the odd person more than once!
But the best part of it all is that, my daughter can splash to her heart's content without becoming a red sore monster, she has zero reaction to it, It's honestly put my faith back in products that claim to be "for eczema prone skin".
This product can be found in many different shops, I personally buy mine from Asda for £4 but frequently goes on offer for £3 and It is well worth it, they also do a variety of other scents, a shampoo, conditioner and a swim 3 in 1. I've personally not tried them as my daughter is still a bit of a bald baby.
I hope this can help anybody who is going through the struggle of bathtime with a eczema prone baby or child.


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